There are a few components to create documentation pages.
Create a route structure like this:
├── docs
| ├── [[slug]]
| | ├── content
| | | ├── Index.svelte
| | | ├── ...
| | ├── +page.svelte
| | ├── +page.ts
| | ├── docs.ts
First, define the docs categories and pages in the docs.ts
export const categories = [
name: 'Getting Started',
pages: [
name: 'Introduction',
slug: 'introduction'
name: 'Installation',
slug: 'installation'
] as Category[];
export const pages = categories.reduce((acc, category) => acc.concat(category.pages), [] as Page[]);
interface Category {
name: string,
pages: Page[]
interface Page {
slug: string,
name: string,
component: ComponentType
Then, load the docs content in the page.ts
import { error } from "@sveltejs/kit";
import { pages } from "./docs";
export async function load({ params }) {
const slug = params.slug;
const page = slug === undefined ? pages[0] : pages.find(p => p.slug === slug);
if(!page) {
error(404, 'Not found');
return {
slug: params.slug,
component: page.component
Then, design the layout in the +page.svelte
file using the data from the previous step.
<script lang="ts">
import {
DocsNav as Nav,
DocsNavCategory as NavCategory,
DocsNavItem as NavItem,
DocsContent as Content
} from '@hyvor/design/marketing';
import { categories } from "./docs";
export let data;
<Nav slot="nav">
{#each categories as category}
<NavCategory name={}>
{#each category.pages as page}
href={page.slug === '' ? '/docs' : `/docs/${page.slug}`}
<Content slot="content">
<svelte:component this={data.component} />
There are a few components to create content pages.
import { DocsImage } from '@hyvor/design/marketing';
import img from './img.png';
<DocsImage src={img} alt="Desert" />